thoughts, quotes and ideas on RELIGION

bank of ideas on RELIGION
by Celino

Suffering is not unworthy. On the contrary, it is a very high test of dignity and virtue. Thus, it can not serve as an excuse for euthanasia because life is not a product with an expiration date that is thrown away when it shows signs of wear or deterioration.


When you reach heaven, the soul has access to the recordings of everything that someone said or thought about it here on earth. That's why you should not talk or think badly about anyone.


A soul is imperfect because it is in contact with the body and allows itself to be contaminated by it.
The way to virtue and perfection is to prevent, control and keep the mind insensible to the appeals and needs of the body.


Love is infinite is because, contrary to the friendship and supplies, if you distribute it by 10, 1000 or 1000000 people the quotient will be always the same. 


To be born is to die for life;
To die is to be born into eternity.

Religion must be hard, difficult and demanding,
Otherwise, it will not be religion and it will be useless.
What is the purpose of a religion whose principles, tenets, and foundations everyone could accomplish and achieve?


As a narcotic, a passion or an addiction, money produces a momentary happiness that is soon extinguished and requires further strengthening and increasingly intense way.

Love, however, lasts and does not require dose reinforcements. It lives and feeds on constancy.


If Religion is not harsh, demanding and difficult;
if it is easy, popular and accessible, if it changes according to trends or fashions it would not be Religion but temporary worship, ritual or cult and eventually disappear;
changing with times it would reveal indifferent to people because it would not respond to their needs and eventually it would succumb before new fashions and trends. So, Religion would be abandoned precisely by those who criticized its hardness. Because what is perennial is hard; what is ephemeral is soft. 
Religion must evolve according to what is known and not according to what is liked.

Religion is the culture of Perpetuity, is a system of perennial values of a particular culture or civilization and should cross and overlap imperturbable the variance of eras and times. Religion is the establishment and the consecration of what is constant and unchanging. The more timeless principles and perennial constitute the Religion, the stronger it will be. The more temporal and ephemeral principles constitute Religion, the weaker and likely it will be.


The more we help the poor and weak, the more we get strengthened and the more they get weakened. Therefore, the more you aid them ... the less you are helping
Are they who must solve their problems in order to get stregthened.


We need communion, not solidarity;
we need friendship, not companionship;
we need kindness, not charity;
we need hapiness, not gladness;
we need love, not caress;

The last ones are ephemeral and finite; the first ones are perennial and infinite;
the last ones are useful; the first ones are ideal.


The tycoon, artist, scientist or the saint have the same existential value to the poor, the disabled, the beggar, the insensitive but they have higher living value as relevant and leave relevant work and a good memory.
In short, all beings have the same existential value but different living value depending on their experience as human beings.


Pull down the walls of prisons and those who still refuse to come out and stay until the end of the sentence that was set to them, they are truly the men, they understand the reason for the penalty, they are making good use of it and they will be netted its debt.


When we are able to fully predict the lottery key then, right now, the world will end and finally we will know God. The ability to predict the lottery will be the ultimate  proof of the existence of God.


Before birth we were dead.
So, in death we will return to the nothing we have already been.


Love is infinite; friendship, it is not.
Love is absolute and constant; as the sun in outer space it always manifests the same maximum intensity. The friendship, on the contrary, is relative and human. It varies depending on the subject.
We can love 1000000 people at the same time, but we can not be friends of 10 people with the same intensity, much less 1000000.

Love is a sun that illuminates everything and everyone in the open field in all directions and with the same intensity.
Friendship is a tree that houses a few under its shadow.


We sin once and one understands;
we sin twice and one forgives;
we sin three times and one does not absolve.

However, today the Catholic Church does so 
by interest and cheap hypocrisy.


God is randomness.
When we finally know the secret and its mysterious laws, we will find God and life and humanity will cease at that moment.

The soul (or spirit) is a unique and infinitely copied software installed on each body (hardware)  in the moment of generation. 
The psychological disease is, therefore, an error in a copy of this software, in particular; physical illness is a fault of a body (or hardware machine) where the soul was installed. 
In death copying software and the respective human body (hardware) are destroyed or extinguished and disappear as banal copies of superior elements. The specificity of each body and hardware differences determines the adaptations of each copy of the software and hardware together, which is called personality. Certain software (souls) reach high levels of quality (geniality). All kind of souls or spirits are a sort of intelligent software that learns from itself. 
The the most evolved software is the human soul; less developed software are those which are present in animals and even plants. A mouse is constituted by a program (soul) evolved less than that one installed in humans. The body is also different. These less evolved spirits are also less adaptable, ie, the difference in quality between their pairs is smaller than among human spirits. 
God can be the original Software, the source from which infinite copies are made, those that populate and have populated the world.


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